Discover the potential of Uptivo, the perfect solution for boutique fitness and personal trainers.
APP and APP+ licenses can be purchased and valid at the Clubs that have chosen Uptivo.

The Advantages of Uptivo

Discover all the features of the APP and APP+ services to take your customers' training to a higher level.


Real-Time Telemetry

With Uptivo, you'll have the security of comprehensive monitoring of your customers' health and training.
This service integrates heart rate measurement and training intensity analysis with Uptivo Performance Points (UPPs), allowing innovative and data-driven management. Get accurate and consistent data throughout your entire workout to ensure the safety and effectiveness of each exercise.


Biometric Databases

Whether the training takes place in the Club, outdoors or at home, the instructors have all the information necessary to encourage members, give feedback on the sessions held, propose new activities to be carried out in the gym or at home to achieve fitness goals.

Training history and report

Trainer feedback

Advanced biometrics


Gamification: Levels, Points and Challenges

Learn how Uptivo applies scientific principles and gamification to make every fitness session more effective, stimulating and personalized.

Uptivo Levels

La Continuity of training It is essential to improve your cardiovascular health, reduce the risks of injuries and illnesses, combat stress, anxiety and depression.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate physical activity, or 75 minutes of intense cardio-respiratory activity or, again, an equivalent combination of moderate and intense activity.
Uptivo levels are based on WHO recommendations and reward your clients' continuous training, making them progress on a ladder with 10 difficulty steps.

Uptivo Points

The UPPs make it possible to evaluate the training performance of club members regardless of age, gender and physical fitness.
The members Do they earn UPPs while they train, depending on the time spent in the various heart areas.

The higher the training intensity, the more points you earn!
The UPPs are assigned with a curve that rewards intense training, but not the

Training Zones

Uptivo uses the theoretical Maximum Heart Rate to calculate the Training Zones and show the corresponding colors on the screen.
The training zones represent Heart rate range, each corresponding to a different range of exercise intensity.

Keeping your Heart Rate under control during training is equivalent to correctly dosing the intensity of the effort and allows you to set specific workouts, aimed at achieving specific individual goals.


Uptivo Workouts

Discover Uptivo Workouts, the plan that transforms the way you train in fitness centers, boutique fitness centers and for personal trainers. Access a vast Video library of more than 1300 exercises, create tailor-made programs and engage your customers with innovative workouts.

Personalized training cards

Uptivo predefined templates and club templates

Time cards (EMOM, AMRAP, AFAP, Interval Training) or series and repetition cards

Synchronized cardio training recording with card execution


Perfect integration with Garmin

In clubs that choose Uptivo, the system is also perfectly connected through Garmin smartwatch, allowing trainers to monitor the health and performance of their clients in real time, both in the gym and remotely.

Advanced Monitoring: Track physical activity and wellness metrics with Garmin precision.

Comprehensive Health Vision: Monitor key parameters such as sleep quality, stress levels, and heart variability (HRV) to offer personalized recommendations.

Smart Reporting: Provide your customers with detailed reports to analyze and continuously improve their performance.

Choose the Ideal Solution:
choose Uptivo APP or APP+

Personalize your customer experience and optimize operational efficiency with our customized solutions.


The exclusive benefits of APP+

Get all the advanced features by choosing APP+.


InBody integration

Thanks to the collaboration with InBody, Uptivo can automatically acquire the results of the bioimpendectometric sessions carried out with the InBody smart scale, generating a complete report of segmental analysis of body composition.
Collect and integrate body analysis data and other relevant information about the physical fitness of each member into the cloud profile of your members to track their progress over time with accurate and personalized graphics.

Integration with External Devices

Integration with External Devices Uptivo harmonizes with a wide spectrum of sensors through Bluetooth LE and ANT+ transmission, for advanced performance tracking. It ensures precise monitoring and in-depth analysis of the workout, at any time and wherever you are. The integration with Garmin Connect™ allows enthusiasts to use their favorite smartwatch.
100% compatible with various sensors for accurate intensity data collection.
100% integration with Garmin Connect™ for simplified training analysis.


Trainer App

Your outdoor course. Uptivo Trainer is the iPad app that allows you to organize individual or group sessions of up to 40 participants. At the end of the training, all summary data are made available to the instructor who can verify the progress of the lesson and compare the individual results.
The free smartphone app integrates into your Club's Uptivo ecosystem, providing a tool for members who need additional activity to achieve the goals planned with the trainer.


Uptivo LIVE: The solution for ONLINE training

At home as in the gym, Uptivo LIVE is the platform that allows you to combine remote and in-room training sessions at the same time.
The platform is designed to guarantee a safe, motivating and performing online fitness experience, allowing a real-time and bi-directional exchange between trainer and athlete, thanks to the synergy between telemetry and video streaming.

Customer Testimonials

Find out how Uptivo App and App+ have helped our customers.

The Uptivo app was a real revolution for my fitness center. Thanks to the integrated telemetry, I can monitor my clients' biometric data in real time and adapt the workouts according to their needs.


Personal Trainer, Fitness Center

The Uptivo app+ has significantly improved my ability to manage group and distance workouts. Thanks to advanced telemetry and gamification, my clients are more motivated and engaged during training sessions.


Fitness Center Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions about Uptivo and its services.

What is Uptivo?

Uptivo is an app that revolutionizes the management of fitness centers, fitness boutiques and personal trainers by combining all the necessary functions in a single platform. It offers a customizable CRM and promotes customer engagement with challenges and rankings.

What are the services offered by Uptivo?

Uptivo offers a wide range of services for fitness centers, boutique gyms and personal trainers. These include customer management, gamification, customizable CRM, and so much more.

How can I improve my customer engagement?

Uptivo allows you to improve the engagement of your customers through challenges and rankings. This creates healthy competition and motivates them to achieve their goals.

What are the advantages of Uptivo for managing the center?

Uptivo optimizes the management of your fitness center, allowing you to manage customers, reservations, classes and much more efficiently. It helps you save time and improve your productivity.

How can I increase the loyalty of my customers?

Uptivo helps you increase the loyalty of your customers by offering them a unique and personalized experience. With challenges, rankings and awards, you engage them and motivate them to return to your fitness center.

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